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Courage, Compassion, Perseverance and Teamwork

Covid-19 Risk Assessment and Outbreak Management Plan Sept. 2021


The link below is for the updated government guidance including changes for the November 2020 lockdown.


7/9/20   These are a few reminders:
- The gates will be open from 8:30 to avoid congestion. 
- All children should be in school for register at 8:50. 
- Children should go straight into their class through their fire door. 
- Please do not socialise on the playground. 
- Remember to stay 2 m away from other families. 
- Please follow the one way systems.
- Children in Nursery, Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 should come in the main gate on Clarenden Street. Exit behind the hall and through the side gate by the kitchen. 
- Children in Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 come in through the small gate in the front playground. Exit through the car park. 
- Year 2 get to class by coming in the small door, opposite the car park, next their old Year 1 classroom. 
- Check my previous announcement from last week (or our website Covid page) for an aerial photo showing where to go.
- Children can bring a coat, a book bag, a small pencil case to keep in their tray if they wish to do so (no sharing please) and a lunch bag.
- School dinners are available as usual. 
- Hair should be tied back to avoid the spread of infection.
- If your child has Covid symptoms - see below, please do not bring them to school. Ring to let us know and arrange a test asap. 
The main symptoms are:
      -a high temperature.
      -a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot, for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours.
      -a loss or change to sense of smell or taste – this means they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to 

The link below leads to the latest government guidance for parents and carers.


Covid-19 Wider Opening Information


Check out the 'Head Teacher's Messages' Tab in the left hand column for further news, thoughts and home learning activity ideas during the Covid-19, Coronavirus Lock Down.clare(3)

Newsletters are found under 'Letters' in the 'Parents' tab.


Working from Home March 2020

Have you downloaded the 'Seesaw' app for home learning tasks set daily by all our teachers yet? If you can't access that there are lots of useful learning links and ideas in the 'Headteacher's Messages' tab.

Well done to everybody using Seesaw. All classes have been set up and teachers are posting work and responding each day. We are delighted with the response so far - children's messages and work are fantastic. We are so proud of you for persevering and learning this new skill. If you are struggling to access Seesaw please contact admin@burnleyroad.calderdale.sch.uk.

Home Sch Agree

Phase 1 and 2 Wider Opening Including Safety Measures

Home School Agreement


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